Monday, June 11, 2012

Short Mini Poem by FB

The Hot Blazing Sun - F.B (Short Mini Poem)

The hot blazing sun scorched Venus

as it trotted along its quarterly hike
across the sun's surface.
Making no spots,

or it would become a pile of ash,
floating through space like an asteroid.
scared as can be,
panting for hours,
had finally finished this painful trek.


  1. Awsome poem!!!!!!!! you really captured the feel of the event

  2. I like the way you used personifications, it really made your writing come to life.

  3. Nice job F.B It's really good
    (I know who you are)

  4. Cool. But space is dark, and I see why Venus was scared, hence: Personification. Venus must have been small compared to the huge, blazing sun. I would have been scared!

  5. Wow, this poem really captures it like Venus was a person! it really fits the picture we saw in class

  6. I like the way you used personifications

  7. Itresting, although i have no idea what the venus transit. I think your poem is very cool, i like how you used personifacation like scared. it really give the planet emotion and makes your poem intresting!

  8. I liked the sentence "scared as can be, panting for hours, had finally finished this painful trek" it used many personifications and the last sentence was written carfully in my eyes.

  9. To ?F.B?

    I highly enjoyed this short mini poem, it used great personifications and conveyed a great message to the reader. It was very descriptive (kinda)since it was a short story poem thing!!! I really like how you said "as it trotted along its quarterly hike!!!" it really made me see the image clearly!!!

    From DonutLover227!!! and CroatiaLover827

  10. Who knew that a science news story on the transit of Venus could result in such a staggering beautiful piece of writing! Thank-you for sharing it with us.

  11. it is very interesting that you added the picture to show what you were thinking so that you can read it go "wow he got all that info from just that!".

  12. I liked how you took all this inspiration from planets, I can't write about anything but aniamls and landscapes, much less planets! Its really good, and it sort of captured how Venus 'feels'.

  13. I really liked the way you wrote your free verse about planets, not just some usual topic and poetry form.

