Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Student Created Haiku

Many haiku of quality combine unexpectedness with inevitability
- that shock of mild surprise, followed immediately by the felt-significance of,
"Of course, that's just as it is."                                    - Robert Spiess

A single flake
On a cold morning
tumbles through the air      

- by Sebastian
                                                 The autumn wind
                                                  ruffles the ground
                                                  littered with leaves
                                                                       - Sebastian

On a frigid morning
Smoke blossoms from my mouth
My breath visible        
                               - Sebastian

                                           Wishing the bell would ring
                                           Freezing outside
                                           Feeling the cold     
                                                                          - Sebastian

Not wanting to
go outside in the Y
      -it's freezing.    
                           - Sebastia
                                                        Happy snowflakes
                                                        dancing in the wind.
                                                        On a mitten melting.
                                                                                        - Valeriy

An ugly caterpillar-
leaves its cocoon-
 gorgeous butterfly.

small, gloomy droplets
Beating against the
Summer ground
                                            - Valeriy

   brings glory.
                                            The golden medal shines in the sun.
                                                                                                               - Valeriy

Tropical beaches,
dreamy skies
Screeching gulls fly by                                  
 -  Michelle

The frog leaps
Touching the meadow grass
Swaying in the breeze      
  -  Michelle                            

The glowing peach
Says good-bye
The day comes to its  end
 -  Michelle                                 

Kids are fast asleep.
Presents under Christmas trees.
Santa is coming!
- Alex P.
The tree with ten leaves.
One by one each leaf falls off.
Ready for Winter.
- Alex P.


  1. going to school
    on a cold fall day
    in the early morning

    - Sebastian

  2. waking up early
    my brother still asleep


  3. making haikus
    on a school day
    for good marks


  4. I really like these Haikus! Everyone did a great job capturing the emotion and delivering it with emotion. I really felt proud just like the team would be with the Teamwork one by Valeriy!

  5. Thanks a lot DonutLover for your feedback.
